Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Chocolate Peanut Butter flavour and 2 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Orange Dreamsicle flavour and 2 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Choclate flavour and 2 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Choclate Peanut Butter flavour and 1 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Choclate Peanut Butter flavour and 1 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Choclate flavour and 2 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Choclate flavour and 2 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Peppermint Bark flavour and 2 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Lucky Jacked Cereal flavour and 2 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Lucky Jacked Cereal flavour and 2 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Lucky Jacked Cereal flavour and 2 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Pumpkin Pie flavour and 2 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Pumpkin Pie flavour and 2 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Blueberry Muffin flavour and 2 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Blueberry Muffin flavour and 2 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Birthday Cake flavour and 5 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Birthday Cake flavour and 5 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Banana flavour and 5 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Banana flavour and 5 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Banana flavour and 5 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Vanilla flavour and 5 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Vanillaflavour and 5 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Birthday Cake flavour and 5 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Birthday Cake flavour and 5 lb size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Strawberry flavour and 2 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Strawberry flavour and 2 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Pineapple Coconut flavour and 2 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Pineapple Coconut flavour and 2 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Chocolate Mint flavour and 2 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Chocolate Mint flavour and 2 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Chocolate Peanut Butter flavour and 2 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Chocolate Peanut Butter flavour and 2 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Cookies & Cream flavour and 2 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Cookies & Cream flavour and 2 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Banana flavour and 2 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Orange Dreamsicle flavour and 2 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Caramel Macchiato flavour and 2 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Caramel Macchiato flavour and 2 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Chocolate Mint flavour and 5 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Chocolate Peanut Butter flavour and 5 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Vanilla flavour and 5 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Vanilla flavour and 5 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Chocolate flavour and 5 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Chocolate flavour and 5 lbs size
Isoflex 100% Whey Protein Isolate by ALLMAX Nutrition in Choclate flavour and 5 lb size
AllWhey Gold by ALLMAX Nutrition in Chocolate Peanut Butter Flavor and 5lb Size.


protein-icon 27 g


0 g


calories-icon 120 *

Pros Who Depend On Their Results Depend On Isoflex. All new and improved Isoflex. (Truly Superior Whey Protein Isolate) is the ultimate in taste and quality. Not only does Isoflex whey isolate protein powder have a brand new look and great taste, using cutting edge technology, it’s a pure 100% whey protein isolate source. Isoflex is significantly lower in lactose, fat, sugar and carbs, compared to regular WPIs too! If you’re looking for the highest quality, most premium and fastest absorbing whey protein isolate powder, then look no further than Isoflex;  the best Whey Protein Isolate. Read more below on the best whey isolate protein powder in the market and whey protein isolate benefits. *Calories vary per flavor
El Mejor Aislado de Proteína de Suero del Mercado

Isoflex: Proteína aislada de suero en polvo

Precio de venta$24.99
En stock
Tamaño:1 libra


protein-icon 27 g


0 g


calories-icon 120 *

Pros Who Depend On Their Results Depend On Isoflex. All new and improved Isoflex. (Truly Superior Whey Protein Isolate) is the ultimate in taste and quality. Not only does Isoflex whey isolate protein powder have a brand new look and great taste, using cutting edge technology, it’s a pure 100% whey protein isolate source. Isoflex is significantly lower in lactose, fat, sugar and carbs, compared to regular WPIs too! If you’re looking for the highest quality, most premium and fastest absorbing whey protein isolate powder, then look no further than Isoflex;  the best Whey Protein Isolate. Read more below on the best whey isolate protein powder in the market and whey protein isolate benefits. *Calories vary per flavor

El Mejor Aislado de Proteína de Suero del Mercado


*15 % más alto que los típicos aislados de proteína de suero. Muy apreciado en las fórmulas para bebés, ya que es la principal fracción proteica de la leche humana.

ISOFLEX utiliza una tecnología única de extracción de proteínas llamada filtración de iones de relación híbrida (HRI). Un híbrido de dos tecnologías de purificación de aislado incorporadas en una proporción específica para producir un aislado de proteína de suero ultrapuro verdaderamente superior. La tecnología HRI de vanguardia permite que ISOFLEX retenga un rendimiento proteico excepcionalmente alto mientras mantiene fracciones de suero bioactivas mejoradas.

Los concentrados tienen niveles más altos de grasas y azúcares con un porcentaje más bajo de proteínas y una biodisponibilidad más baja que los aislados. Mientras que otras marcas usan Concentrados, los usuarios de ISOFLEX saben que los Aislados tienen un porcentaje de proteína superior y no se conformarán con mezclas que no sean de Aislados.

Así es, Pure Whey Protein Isolate al alcance de su mano, ¡lo que le brinda un increíble contenido de proteína del 90 %! Solo con fracciones de proteína de suero nativas e intactas, no desnaturalizadas. 27 g de Proteína Pura que ha sido probada, certificada y aprobada en laboratorio.

Si eres culturista, sabes que los altos niveles de consumo de proteínas son fundamentales para el éxito. La mayoría apunta a 1,5 a 3 gramos de proteína por libra de peso corporal al día, según la intensidad y la frecuencia de su entrenamiento, y distribuye su consumo a lo largo del día. Todos sabemos lo importante que es obtener nuestra proteína durante esa preciosa ventana anabólica .

Debido a la alta calidad y pureza de ISOFLEX, obtienes una de las absorciones de proteínas más rápidas que existen. ISOFLEX se mezcla bien en un vaso mezclador, pero también se puede combinar con otros ingredientes en una licuadora como batido . Tome ISOFLEX en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar que lo necesite.

ISOFLEX ahora cuenta con la tecnología SCOOP-LOCK™
Atrás quedaron los días de excavar a través de su proteína para obtener su primicia. ¡SCOOP-LOCK está diseñado ergonómicamente para bloquear su pala en su lugar la primera vez y todas las veces! ¡Y está justo ahí en la parte superior de su ISOFLEX cuando lo abre! Scoop-Lock está disponible en todos los productos ISOFLEX, ALLWHEY Gold, ALLWHEY Classic y HEXAPRO y es solo de ALLMAX.

¡Busque el nuevo y resistente Ergo-Lid™ en los productos ALLMAX con Scoop-Lock™ adentro!

¡No renuncies al sabor para obtener el poder de Whey Protein Isolate!

Lo primero que diferencia a ISOFLEX de cualquier otra proteína en polvo del mercado es su sabor. ¡Sabe increíble! Y con 11 deliciosos sabores + sin sabor para elegir, seguramente habrá uno que satisfaga sus distintas papilas gustativas.

ISOFLEX viene en frascos de 2 lb y 5 lb (425 g de chocolate y vainilla también disponibles) y 13 deliciosos sabores.

Customer Reviews

Based on 192 reviews
Milagros Terry
love it

Taste is good. This is a good product

Thank you for your review! We're glad you enjoyed the taste and found the product to be good. Your feedback means a lot to us!

Jolene Renner

Love this protein powder!
I’ve made protein balls, pancakes, and a sugar free cake with it.
When I order next I will try another flavor

Thank you for your feedback! We're so glad you’re loving the protein powder and getting creative with it. Protein balls, pancakes, and a sugar-free cake sound amazing! When you try the next flavor, let us know what you think—we’d love to hear about it! 💪😊

Chocolate peanut butter

Dear Allmax Nutrition Team,

I have been a satisfied customer of your products and would like to bring to your attention an issue regarding the taste of your ISOFLEX Whey Protein Isolate. Recently, I purchased a 2 kg container of the Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor, but I noticed that it is significantly less sweet and has a slight bitterness compared to the 1 kg container of the same flavor I bought previously. Both products are within their expiration dates.

Could you please provide insight into why there might be a difference in sweetness and the presence of bitterness between the two sizes? I appreciate your assistance in this matter.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Thank you for reaching out and for being a valued Allmax Nutrition customer! We appreciate your support and feedback.

We’re sorry to hear that the taste of your 2 kg ISOFLEX Chocolate Peanut Butter differs from your previous 1 kg container. While we maintain strict quality control and consistency across all sizes, slight variations in sweetness and taste can sometimes occur due to natural ingredient sourcing, batch differences, or storage conditions.
We’d love to investigate this further. Could you please share the batch/lot number from the container to ? This will help us look into any potential formulation adjustments or quality concerns.
Your satisfaction is our priority, and we appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns. Please let us know how we can assist further.

Flavor is okay!

I've been using Allmax Isoflex Protein Powder for years. Typically I get either chocolate, vanilla, or cookies and cream, but decided to try the caramel macchiato. It's honestly my least favorite flavor and I will not be purchasing again. All of the others that I mentioned are great!

Thank you for your continued support and for sharing your feedback with us! We’re glad to hear that you’ve enjoyed our Chocolate, Vanilla, and Cookies & Cream flavors over the years.
We’re sorry to hear that the Caramel Macchiato flavor didn’t meet your expectations. Taste is personal, and we appreciate you giving it a try. Your input helps us improve, and we’ll be sure to share your feedback with our team.

Janet Naylon

Best tasting protein powder!