Isoflex : poudre d'isolat de protéines de lactosérum 100 % pure
Le meilleur isolat de protéines de lactosérum sur le marché
*15 % plus élevé que les isolats de protéines de lactosérum classiques. Très apprécié dans les préparations pour nourrissons car il s'agit de la principale fraction protéique du lait maternel.
ISOFLEX utilise une technologie d'extraction de protéines unique appelée filtration ionique à rapport hybride (HRI). Un hybride de deux technologies de purification d'isolat incorporées à un rapport spécifique pour produire une poudre d'isolat de protéines de lactosérum ultra-pure vraiment supérieure. La technologie HRI de pointe permet à ISOFLEX de conserver un rendement en protéines exceptionnellement élevé tout en conservant des fractions de lactosérum bioactives améliorées. Ce processus est l'une des raisons pour lesquelles Isoflex est considéré par beaucoup comme le meilleur isolat de protéines de lactosérum sur le marché aujourd'hui.
Les concentrés contiennent des niveaux plus élevés de matières grasses et de sucres, ainsi qu'un pourcentage plus faible de protéines et une biodisponibilité plus faible que les isolats. Alors que d'autres marques utilisent des concentrés, les utilisateurs d'ISOFLEX savent que les isolats ont un pourcentage de protéines supérieur et ne se contenteront pas de mélanges sans isolat.
C'est vrai, l'isolat de protéines de lactosérum pur à portée de main, vous offrant une teneur en protéines impressionnante de 90 % ! Avec uniquement des fractions de protéines de lactosérum natives et intactes, non dénaturées. 27 g de protéines pures testées, certifiées et approuvées en laboratoire.
Si vous êtes un culturiste, vous savez que des niveaux élevés de consommation de protéines sont essentiels à la réussite. La plupart visent 1,5 à 3 grammes de protéines par kilo de poids corporel par jour en fonction de l'intensité et de la fréquence de leur entraînement et répartissent leur consommation tout au long de la journée. Nous savons tous combien il est important d'ingérer nos protéines pendant cette précieuse fenêtre anabolique .
Grâce à la haute qualité et à la pureté d'ISOFLEX, vous bénéficiez d'une absorption de protéines parmi les plus rapides du marché. ISOFLEX se mélange bien dans un shaker, mais peut également être combiné avec d'autres ingrédients dans un mixeur pour obtenir un smoothie . Prenez ISOFLEX à tout moment et partout où vous en avez besoin.
ISOFLEX est désormais doté de la technologie SCOOP-LOCK™
Fini le temps où vous deviez fouiller dans votre récipient pour récupérer votre dose. Le dispositif SCOOP-LOCK est conçu de manière ergonomique pour verrouiller votre dose en place dès la première fois et à chaque fois ! Et il se trouve juste là, en haut de votre ISOFLEX, lorsque vous l'ouvrez ! Le dispositif Scoop-Lock est disponible sur tous les produits ISOFLEX, ALLWHEY Gold, ALLWHEY Classic et HEXAPRO et est uniquement disponible chez ALLMAX.
Recherchez le nouveau couvercle robuste Ergo-Lid™ sur les produits ALLMAX avec Scoop-Lock™ à l'intérieur !
Ne renoncez pas au goût pour bénéficier de la puissance de la protéine de lactosérum isolée !
La première chose qui distingue vraiment ISOFLEX de toute autre poudre protéinée sur le marché est son goût. Il a un goût incroyable ! Et avec 11 saveurs délicieuses + des saveurs sans saveur au choix, il y en a forcément une qui satisfera vos papilles gustatives.
ISOFLEX est disponible en pots de 2 lb et 5 lb (425 g de chocolat et de vanille également disponibles) et en 12 saveurs délicieuses.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 scoop (30 g)
Servings Per Container ~30
Calories | 120 | |
Total Fat |
0.5g | 1% |
Saturated Fat | 0g | 0% |
Trans Fat | 0 g | |
Cholesterol | 0mg | 0% |
Sodium | 50mg | 2% |
Total Carbohydrate | 2g | 1% |
Dietary Fiber | 1g | 0% |
Total Sugars | 0g | |
Includes 0g Added Sugars | 0% | |
Protein | 27g | 54% |
Vitamin D | 0mcg | 0% |
Calcium | 108mg | 8% |
Iron | 0.5mg | 5% |
Potassium | 229mg | 5% |
∆ Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Daily Value not established.
Chocolate Peanut Butter
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 scoop (30 g)
Servings Per Container ~30
Calories | 120 | |
Total Fat |
1g | 1% |
Saturated Fat | 0g | 0% |
Trans Fat | 0 g | |
Cholesterol | 0mg | 0% |
Sodium | 120mg | 5% |
Total Carbohydrate | 2g | 1% |
Dietary Fiber | 0g | 0% |
Total Sugars | 0g | |
Includes 0g Added Sugars | 0% | |
Protein | 27g | 54% |
Vitamin D | 0mcg | 0% |
Calcium | 103mg | 8% |
Iron | 0.3mg | 4% |
Potassium | 182mg | 2% |
∆ Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Daily Value not established.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 scoop (30 g)
Servings Per Container ~30
Calories | 120 | |
Total Fat |
0g | 0% |
Saturated Fat | 0g | 0% |
Trans Fat | 0 g | |
Cholesterol | 0mg | 0% |
Sodium | 60mg | 3% |
Total Carbohydrate | 2g | 1% |
Dietary Fiber | 0g | 0% |
Total Sugars | 0g | |
Includes 0g Added Sugars | 0% | |
Protein | 27g | 54% |
Vitamin D | 0mcg | 0% |
Calcium | 125mg | 10% |
Iron | 0mg | 0% |
Potassium | 150mg | 3% |
∆ Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Daily Value not established.
† Due to natural variations in product density, resulting from setting and / or humidity, the values are approximate. Shake product befour use. Product is sold by weight and serving is on an "as dry" basls.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 scoop (30 g)
Servings Per Container ~30
Calories | 120 | |
Total Fat |
0.5g | 1% |
Saturated Fat | 0g | 0% |
Trans Fat | 0 g | |
Cholesterol | 0mg | 0% |
Sodium | 60mg | 3% |
Total Carbohydrate | 3g | 1% |
Dietary Fiber | 0g | 0% |
Total Sugars | 0g | |
Includes 0g Added Sugars | 0% | |
Protein | 27g | 54% |
Vitamin D | 0mcg | 0% |
Calcium | 110mg | 8% |
Iron | 0mg | 0% |
Potassium | 150mg | 3% |
∆ Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Daily Value not established.
Blueberry Muffin
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 scoop (30 g)
Servings Per Container ~30
Calories | 120 | |
Total Fat |
0g | 0% |
Saturated Fat | 0g | 0g |
Trans Fat | 0g | † |
Cholesterol | 0mg | 0% |
Sodium | 60mg | 3% |
Total Carbohydrate | 2g | <1% |
Dietary Fiber | 0g | 0% |
Total Sugars | 0g | |
Includes 0g Added Sugars | 0% | |
Protein | 27g | 54% |
Vitamin D | 0mcg | 0% |
Calcium | 120mg | 9% |
Iron | 0mg | 0% |
Potassium | 150mg | 3% |
∆ Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Daily Value not established.
† Due to natural variations in product density, resulting from setting and / or humidity, the values are approximate. Shake product befour use. Product is sold by weight and serving is on an "as dry" basls.
Pumpkin Pie
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 scoop (30 g)
Servings Per Container ~30
Calories | 120 | |
Total Fat |
0g | 0% |
Saturated Fat | 0g | 0% |
Trans Fat | 0 g | |
Cholesterol | 0mg | 0% |
Sodium | 60mg | 2% |
Total Carbohydrate | 2g | <1% |
Dietary Fiber | <1g | 2% |
Total Sugars | 0g | |
Includes 0g Added Sugars | 0% | |
Protein | 27g | 54% |
Vitamin D | 0mcg | 0% |
Calcium | 120mg | 9% |
Iron | 0mg | 0% |
Potassium | 150mg | 3% |
∆ Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Daily Value not established.
Peppermint Bark
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 scoop (30 g)
Servings Per Container ~30
Calories | 130 | |
Total Fat |
0g | 0% |
Saturated Fat | 0g | 0% |
Trans Fat | 0 g | |
Cholesterol | 0mg | 0% |
Sodium | 60mg | 2% |
Total Carbohydrate | 2g | 1% |
Dietary Fiber | <1g | 2% |
Total Sugars | 0g | |
Includes 0g Added Sugars | 0% | |
Protein | 27g | 54% |
Vitamin D | 0mcg | 0% |
Calcium | 120mg | 9% |
Iron | 0mg | 0% |
Potassium | 150mg | 3% |
∆ Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Daily Value not established.
Lucky Jacked Cereal
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 scoop (30 g)
Servings Per Container ~30
Calories | 120 | |
Total Fat |
0.5g | <1% |
Saturated Fat | 0.5g | 2% |
Trans Fat | 0 g | |
Cholesterol | 0mg | 0% |
Sodium | 100mg | 4% |
Total Carbohydrate | 2g | <1% |
Dietary Fiber | 1g | 0% |
Total Sugars | 0g | |
Includes 0g Added Sugars | 0% | |
Protein | 27g | 54% |
Vitamin D | 0mcg | 0% |
Calcium | 120mg | 9% |
Iron | 0mg | 0% |
Potassium | 160mg | 3% |
∆ Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Daily Value not established.
Can I use Isoflex with other supplements?
Yes, you can. Depending on your goals, Isoflex complements many other AllMax Nutrition products to help you bring your training to the next level. Isoflex is highly versatile and is considered an ideal base, meaning it can be used well with just about every other supplement. If you’re trying to lose weight or lean out, try combining RapidCuts Shredded with Isoflex. If you’re trying to bulk up or put on weight, Aminocore and Glutamine are excellent products to try in addition to Isoflex protein powder.
How do I take Isoflex?
Combine one 30g scoop of Isoflex protein powder with 1/2 cup, or 120 ml of water, juice or milk (most choose water or skim milk), depending on your preference, at any time during the day that you need a protein boost. Most athletes with elevated protein requirements double each serving with 2 scoops of Isoflex with about 1 cup (300 ml of water) providing 54 grams of pure protein. Most bodybuilders are aware that high levels of protein consumption are critical to their success. Most will aim for 1.5 to 3 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight daily depending on the intensity and frequency of their training and space their consumption throughout the day. Isoflex mixes well in a shaker cup but can be combined with other ingredients in a blender as a smoothie too.
Whey Protein Isolate Vs. Concentrate: What makes Isoflex superior to other protein powders on the market?
The first thing that really sets Isoflex apart from any other protein powder on the market is its taste. It actually tastes amazing! And with eight delicious flavors to choose from, there’s sure to be one that satisfies your distinct taste buds. Secondly and most importantly, it has been formulated with only the most superior blend of whey protein available – whey protein isolate. Many other protein powders on the market use whey concentrates and other inferior blends that contain only 30-80% of protein and include higher levels carbs, lactose (milk sugar) and fats. Additionally, the macronutrient profile of Isoflex is exceptional and provides you with a whopping 27 grams of pure protein!
Will Isoflex give me big, bulky muscles?
For those of you trying to lose weight or tone up, drinking protein supplements such as Isoflex are not going to give you big, bulky muscles. In fact, Isoflex can actually help you reach your weight loss goals as protein has been shown to stabilize blood glucose levels which will reduce hunger cravings, stabilize blood insulin levels, and put your body into an ideal fat burning zone. For all you bodybuilders out there, you probably already know it takes a lot of hard work at the gym, proper nutrition (including a lot of calories) and genetics to get big and bulky muscles. But Isoflex can provide you with the nutrients your body needs to recover from your workouts and is a great protein option to help fuel your muscles.
When should I take Isoflex?
As soon as you’ve dropped your final set your next step should be to consume an Isoflex protein shake with some fast-acting carbs (2-3 rice cakes are a quick and easy option). We also recommend stacking with a quality carbohydrate drink like CARBION. This will boost protein synthesis and prevent muscle breakdown. A second option popular with bodybuilders is C:VOL immediately after working out, then 30 minutes later, Isoflex protein powder. For high performance nutrition make every protein option count by consuming high quality protein choices. Isoflex is a delicious perfect blend of protein that’ll provide the nutrients you need to take it to the next level!
As a Meal Replacement:
To shift your body into an anabolic state (which is essential to increase lean muscle mass) consume a protein shake with 1-2 scoops of Isoflex or add a couple scoops of Isoflex to a hearty bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. Pinched for time? Isoflex is a delicious, and quick, replacement for a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack.
Do I have to use a blender to mix up my Isoflex protein powder?
Using a blender will increase the creaminess of your shake, but Isoflex was developed as an instantized protein powder through an advanced technological process, so that it mixes easily in a shaker cup and doesn’t require a blender. We understand mixability is crucial, many times we are mixing up shakes on the go or at the gym in not so ideal circumstances. Those who have tried Isoflex have commented that it mixes well with water or milk in a shaker cup, creating a nice, smooth drink. Isoflex mixes so easily, you can even scoop your protein into your shaker cup first and then add water without it clumping and sticking to the bottom! This makes it great for storing a serving in your gym bag for post-workout nutrition.
What is whey protein isolate?
Whey protein is simply one of the by-products in the manufacturing of cheese. Whey protein is considered the pinnacle of all sources of protein, as it is readily absorbed by the body and has a very high biological value. Whey protein isolate is a purer form of whey protein as it contains less fat and lactose. It also has a higher biological value than whey protein concentrates. Whey protein isolate is a far superior source than a whey protein concentrate and allows the highest percentage of protein per gram. Although whey protein isolates generally cost more than concentrate blends, the quality is certainly worth it.
What are the Benefits of Whey Protein Isolate
Isoflex contains a very special hybrid of Whey Protein Isolates that we call HRI. HRI in Isoflex yields a very high percentage of protein. It provides exceptional levels of bioactive whey protein fractions due in part to gentle processing at cold temperatures that ensure the protein is intact and non-denatured.
You can see this from the chart on the label that shows our typical levels of bioactive fractions such as Beta-Lactoglobulin, Alpha-Lactalbumin, Immunoglobulin, Lactoferrin, BSA and so on. Each of these fractions are partly responsible for many of the health giving properties attributed to whey protein.
Is whey better than soy?
There is quite a lot of controversy among nutritional experts about this. Although whey protein isolate has a higher biological value than soy protein, a lot of scientific research has proven that soy protein can also offer a variety of health benefits. The benefits of whey protein isolate Isoflex, is that it is composed of exclusively whey protein and has a much higher bioavailable value, but there’s no reason why you can’t include soy protein in your balanced diet as well. However, many people shy away from soy due to concerns over estrogenic proteins.
Can I use Isoflex if I’m lactose-intolerant?
Isoflex is lactose-free and is well-tolerated by those who have a lactose intolerance.
I eat beef, chicken and eggs, do I still need to use Isoflex?
Unlike animal sources of protein, Isoflex travels well in a gym bag or suitcase for a quick protein boost whenever you need one. Isoflex is simply a convenient high protein, low fat, addition to your diet plan. For those of you who are bodybuilding and are trying to consume between 1.5 and 3 grams of protein per pound of body weight, you know all too well how difficult and expensive this kind of diet can be. Aside from providing a simple way to quickly and easily get your protein, Isoflex also absorbs rapidly and contains 4 proprietary complexes to augment absorption, improve recovery, and increase nutrient delivery.