Full Step-by-Step Video and Free Downloadable Workout Included!
Complete High-Intensity Superset Workout with ANDRE RZAZEWSKI – PERSONAL TRAINER
Extreme Shoulder Training – Complete High-Intensity Superset Workout is so effective because you push yourself to your limits and beyond every time you train, regardless of how much weight you are moving. The focus here is not weight, but rather fully fatiguing the muscles and creating the biggest possible pump. By doing so, you are training like a
bodybuilder, not a power lifter, creating as much trauma in the muscles and stimulating hypertrophy as a response.
Weight Selection:
Choose a weight you can just barely reach, do 10 to 12 reps x 3 sets. Move down in weight in 30% increments. If you aren’t failing in 12, increase reps to 15 or weight. Rest times – 60 seconds between each superset. Do each Exercise 3 sets, reduce weight by 30% after each set. Reset weight at the start of each Exercise. So for Superset #1 (aka The 1st Wave) , you are doing: Exercise #1 3 times and you drop the weight by 30% each set Exercise #2 3 times and you drop the weight by 30% each set Exercise #3 3 times and you drop the weight by 30% each set Then you rest 1 minute and move to Superset #2 repeating the 3 exercise 30% weight drop for each
exercise. This is a total of 9 sets and 3 exercises per Wave for a total of 27 sets!
The Workout Plan

Superset #1
Exercise #1: Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press – 3 Sets, 30% Drop in weight per set
Exercise #2: Seated Side Lateral Raises – 3 Sets, 30% Drop in weight per set
Exercise #3: Standing Dumbbell Front Raises – 3 Sets, 30% Drop in weight per set
Rest time: 60 seconds
Superset #2
Exercise #1: Overhead Barbell Shoulder Press – 3 Sets, 30% Drop in weight per set
Exercise #2: Dumbbell Upright Rows – 3 Sets, 30% Drop in weight per set
Exercise #3: Standing Barbell Underhand Front Raises – 3 Sets, 30% Drop in weight per set
Rest time: 60 seconds
Superset #3
Exercise #1: Seated Arnold Shoulder Press – 3 Sets, 30% Drop in weight per set
Exercise #2: Wide Grip Upright Rows – 3 Sets, 30% Drop in weight per set
Exercise #3: Plate Steering Wheel (30,24,20 rotations)
NOTE: *Superset – the pairing of two or more exercises *Drop Set – Working to failure with 2 or more increments of weight