Hexapro: comida magra rica en proteínas
• 6 fuentes de proteína para liberación sostenida
• Durante el día, durante la noche: en cualquier momento
6 fuentes de proteína para liberación sostenida
HEXAPRO es una solución de comida magra rica en proteínas para este problema de sincronización de proteínas. Está formulado con 6 proteínas superiores para alimentar continuamente tus músculos con proteína limpia y completa a un ritmo constante y sostenido. Con su textura espesa y parecida a un batido, no creerás que estás obteniendo 25 g de pura proteína sin azúcares añadidos.
La oportunidad más desaprovechada para reparar y hacer crecer los músculos es durante el sueño. La noche es el período de tiempo más largo que el cuerpo pasa sin la ingesta de proteínas. La investigación muestra que consumir de 20 g a 40 g de proteína de liberación sostenida antes de acostarse estimula la síntesis de proteína muscular y limita la degradación muscular. HEXAPRO™ ha sido formulado con 6 de las mejores y más altamente biodisponibles proteínas en una proporción ideal que brinda una entrega rápida, media y lenta de proteínas, ¡brindándole una liberación sostenida de proteínas durante 8 horas, mientras duerme !
¿No tienes tiempo para una comida completa? ¿Necesita satisfacer su hambre y llegar a la próxima comida completa? HEXAPRO hace que incluir comidas adicionales en su horario sea delicioso y extremadamente conveniente. HEXAPRO satisface el hambre y los antojos sin comprometer su dieta saludable. ¡HEXAPRO es el dulce perfecto, sin hacer trampa en su dieta ! Agregue leche y mezcle con hielo para obtener un delicioso batido rico en proteínas. ¡No vuelvas a ser víctima de los bocadillos poco saludables!
HEXAPRO ahora cuenta con la tecnología SCOOP-LOCK™
Atrás quedaron los días de excavar a través de su proteína para obtener su primicia. ¡SCOOP-LOCK está diseñado ergonómicamente para bloquear su pala en su lugar la primera vez y todas las veces! ¡Y está justo en la parte superior de su HEXAPRO cuando lo abre! Scoop-Lock está disponible en todos los productos ISOFLEX, ALLWHEY Gold, ALLWHEY Classic y HEXAPRO y es solo de ALLMAX.
¡Busque el nuevo y resistente Ergo-Lid™ en los productos ALLMAX con Scoop-Lock™ adentro!
Un sabor satisfactorio y delicioso, HEXAPRO tiene un sabor verdaderamente rico y espeso digno de un batido que te hará repensar en las proteínas. Perfecto para recetas y para asegurarse de mantener altos sus niveles de proteína durante el día o la noche.
HEXAPRO crea una experiencia que hará que te enamores de la proteína nuevamente. Con un sabor como este, querrás que HEXAPRO forme parte de tu rutina diaria.
Blend, Mix or Shake 1 heaping scoop (44 g) of Hexapro protein powder for bodybuilding with 8 oz (250 ml/1 cup) of cold water or low-fat milk, depending on desired taste and consistency, anytime you want a premium and satisfying high-protein beverage.
Why Supplement With Hexapro?
No time for a full meal? Need to satisfy your hunger and get you to that next full meal? Hexapro makes getting extra feedings into your schedule delicious and extremely convenient. Hexapro satisfies hunger & cravings without compromising your healthy diet.*
The most neglected opportunity to repair and grow muscles is during sleep. Overnight is the longest period of time the body goes without protein intake. Research shows that consuming 20 g - 40 g of sustained release protein before bed stimulates muscle protein synthesis and limits muscle breakdown. HEXAPRO has been formulated with 6 of the best, most highly bioavailable proteins in an ideal ratio providing fast, medium and slow protein delivery, giving you an 8 hour sustained release of protein, while you sleep!*
HEXAPRO is the perfect sweet treat, without cheating on your diet! Add milk and blend with ice for a delicious high-protein milkshake. Don’t be a victim of unhealthy snacking again!

Supplements Facts
Serving Size: 1 scoop (44 g)
Servings Per Container ~21
Calories | 170 | |
Total Fat |
2.5g | 3%∆ |
Saturated Fat | 1.5 g | 8%∆ |
Trans Fat | 0 g | † | Cholesterol | 45 mg | 15% |
Total Carbohydrate | 12g | 4%∆ |
Dietary Fiber | 3 g | 11%∆ |
Total Sugars | 1 g | † |
Includes 0g Added Sugars | 0%∆ | |
Protein | 25 g | |
Calcium | 245 mg | 19% |
iron | 1.5 mg | 8% |
Sodium | 210 mg | 9% |
potassium | 294 mg | 6% |
∆ Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Daily Value not established.
† Due to natural variations in product density, resulting from setting and / or humidity, the values are approximate. Shake product befour use. Product is sold by weight and serving is on an "as dry" basls.
Supplements Facts
Serving Size: 1 scoop (44 g)
Servings Per Container ~21
Calories | 170 | |
Total Fat |
2 g | 3%∆ |
Saturated Fat | 1 g | 5%∆ |
Trans Fat | 0 g | † | Cholesterol | 45 mg | 15% |
Total Carbohydrate | 13 g | 5%∆ |
Dietary Fiber | 1 g | 4%∆ |
Total Sugars | 1 g | † |
Includes 0g Added Sugars | 0%∆ | |
Protein | 25 g | |
Calcium | 233 mg | 18% |
iron | 0.5 mg | 3% |
Sodium | 135 mg | 6% |
potassium | 95 mg | 2% |
∆ Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Daily Value not established.
† Due to natural variations in product density, resulting from setting and / or humidity, the values are approximate. Shake product befour use. Product is sold by weight and serving is on an "as dry" basls.
Supplements Facts
Serving Size: 1 scoop (44 g)
Servings Per Container ~21
Calories | 170 | |
Total Fat |
2 g | 3%∆ |
Saturated Fat | 1 g | 5%∆ |
Trans Fat | 0 g | † | Cholesterol | 45 mg | 15% |
Total Carbohydrate | 13 g | 5%∆ |
Dietary Fiber | 1 g | 4%∆ |
Total Sugars | 1 g | † |
Includes 0g Added Sugars | 0%∆ | |
Protein | 25 g | |
Calcium | 225 mg | 17% |
iron | 0.5 mg | 3% |
Sodium | 135 mg | 6% |
potassium | 95 mg | 2% |
∆ Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Daily Value not established.
† Due to natural variations in product density, resulting from setting and / or humidity, the values are approximate. Shake product befour use. Product is sold by weight and serving is on an "as dry" basls.
Cookies & Cream
Supplements Facts
Serving Size: 1 scoop (44 g)
Servings Per Container ~21
Calories | 170 | |
Total Fat |
2 g | 3%∆ |
Saturated Fat | 1.5 g | 8%∆ |
Trans Fat | 0 g | † | Cholesterol | 45 mg | 15% |
Total Carbohydrate | 12 g | 4%∆ |
Dietary Fiber | 1 g | 4%∆ |
Total Sugars | 2 g | † |
Includes 0g Added Sugars | 0%∆ | |
Protein | 25 g | |
Calcium | 234 mg | 17% |
iron | 0.8 mg | 4% |
Sodium | 220 mg | 10% |
potassium | 100 mg | 2% |
∆ Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Daily Value not established.
† Due to natural variations in product density, resulting from setting and / or humidity, the values are approximate. Shake product befour use. Product is sold by weight and serving is on an "as dry" basls.
Chocolate Peanut Butter
Supplements Facts
Serving Size: 1 scoop (44 g)
Servings Per Container ~21
Calories | 170 | |
Total Fat |
2 g | 3%∆ |
Saturated Fat | 1 g | 5%∆ |
Trans Fat | 0 g | † | Cholesterol | 45 mg | 15% |
Total Carbohydrate | 12 g | 4%∆ |
Dietary Fiber | 2 g | 7%∆ |
Total Sugars | 1 g | † |
Includes 0g Added Sugars | 0%∆ | |
Protein | 25 g | |
Calcium | 214 mg | 16% |
iron | 1 mg | 6% |
Sodium | 180 mg | 8% |
potassium | 206 mg | 4% |
∆ Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Daily Value not established.
† Due to natural variations in product density, resulting from setting and / or humidity, the values are approximate. Shake product befour use. Product is sold by weight and serving is on an "as dry" basls.