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How Muscle Damage Maximizes Bodybuilding Progress

Anyone who has trained intensely with weights will have experienced localized muscle pain, often referred to as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (or D...
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Biceps Curl Techniques for Maximum Muscle Growth

On the surface, the bicep curls seems like a simple exercise involving motion exclusively at your elbows. This assumption suggests the exercise is ...
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Mr. Olympia Part 4: The 5 Most Controversial Olympia Moments

Like all sporting events which attract colorful characters and promote long-running rivalries and intensive competition among high caliber athletes...

Mr. Olympia Winners Part 3: 6 Greatest Olympians of All Time

With the epic battles it has hosted, and the depth of top-tier bodybuilding talent it has featured in its ranks, the Mr. Olympia competition has a ...
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5 Hardcore Exercises For Ultimate Abs

A six pack is a requirement for any serious bodybuilder, and is worn like a badge of honor on beaches all around the world. Your abs say a lot abou...
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Mr. Olympia Part 2: Top 5 Olympia Rivalries

No in depth review of the annual Mr. Olympia bodybuilding showcase would be complete without a look at some of the event’s more compelling rivalrie...
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Back Workout for Mass

  While massive arms, pecs, shoulders and legs can often be seen on full display in many a gym, back development of equal impressiveness appears to...
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The Many Ways to Destroy It On Leg Day

If I told you I could name the muscle group that you demand the most out of – without ever seeing you work out or analyzing your split – you’d prob...
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Brad Pitt’s Fight Club Workout

  Probably one of the most admired physiques, as far as Hollywood characters is concerned, is Brad Pitt’s Tyler Durden in Fight Club. Weighing...
Blitzing the Arms for Uncharted Size and Shape: A 12-Week Program to Get Your Guns Growing Again

Blitzing the Arms for Uncharted Size and Shape: A 12-Week Program to Get Your Guns Growing Again

Since the first weight was lifted for the express purpose of building the body, a massive, well-proportioned set of arms has been, for most dedicat...
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Article Summary Chest muscles often lag behind their counterparts in terms of development. Building impeccable pectorals depends on proper exercis...
Say Good Morning Workout to New Muscle Growth

Say Good Morning Workout to New Muscle Growth

Good Morning Exercise and Strength Training There comes a point in everyone’s training when gains in both size and strength begin t...