Benefits of Doing Regular Hack Squats and Barbell Hack Squat in Your Workout Routine

Benefits of Doing Regular Hack Squats and Barbell Hack Squat in Your Workout Routine

What is a hack squat? The hack squat is one of the most effective exercises you can do from home, considering that it works your entire lower body ...
How to Build Big Shoulders With Cable Lateral Raises

How to Build Big Shoulders With Cable Lateral Raises

Weight trainers often grow larger shoulder muscle groups yet fail to develop the smaller rotor cuff and scapular stabilizer. This causes weakness a...
How to Use the Best Upper Chest Exercises to Boost Muscle Growth

How to Use the Best Upper Chest Exercises to Boost Muscle Growth

Building a muscular physique that’s pleasing to the eye takes time, a good nutrition plan, and an effective upper chest exercise plan. Experienced ...
Reach Greater Bicep Gains with Reverse Curls

Reach Greater Bicep Gains with Reverse Curls

Proper Form, Variations, and Tips Performing the same arm routine over and over again will only take any lifter so far. After a whi...
6 Military Press Tips to Build Shoulders

6 Military Press Tips to Build Shoulders

When it comes to building shoulder strength and size, the military press should be every bodybuilder’s go-to exercise. The military press or overhe...
Pull Day Workout for Your Push/ Pull/ Legs 6-Day Routine

Pull Day Workout for Your Push/ Pull/ Legs 6-Day Routine

Push-Pull Workouts: Routines and Guide for Building Muscle Push exercises for building muscle include exercises for the chest, such as the in...
Guide to Using the Arnold Press

Guide to Using the Arnold Press

Working out from home with the Arnold Press is something you can easily do so your fitness goals do not suffer. There are a multitude of ways that ...
Seven Best Biceps Movements (Ranked)

Seven Best Biceps Movements (Ranked)

Whether fast or slow responders or whatever the training goal may be, most lifters tend to have one thing in common, use bicep exercises such ...
How The Decline Bench Activates Your Lower Pectoral Muscles

How The Decline Bench Activates Your Lower Pectoral Muscles

A lot of people know they should prioritize chest workouts but wonder how the decline bench actually activates the lower pectoral muscles and wheth...
Proper Positioning of the Torso For Maximum Pec-Activation

Proper Positioning of the Torso For Maximum Pec-Activation

You train your chest muscles to the max, but see no gains! Is it genetics? Well it could be OR it could be as simple as needing to correct your fo...

12 Week Program: How to Build Perfect Muscle Symmetry in Bodybuilding

Whether it concerns two arms and legs, unilateral exercises will balance muscle strength between both sides of the body, symmetric strength or symm...
Shred Fat Year-Round

Shred Fat Year-Round

Your Workout Plan for a Year-Round Lean Body The best workouts for fast fat loss are usually short and intense; for example, those emphasizi...